24 ene 2020



  • Types of papers: newspaper (periódico),  magazine(revista)
  • Parts: Cover, Headlines, front page, photo and caption
  • Sections: Photo Gallery, Jokes, Letters, Arts and crafts, World facts, Comic, School Sport, Sories, Film Review... 
  • Staff: a reporter, an editor, a photographer, an assistant, a designer, an illustrator...a Director

  • Who is going to.... 
    • Take some photos?
    • draw a cartoon?
    • write a story?
    • check the photocopier?
    • correct the mistakes?
    • interview the head teacher?
    • design the pages?
    • make the copies?
    • write captions
    • design the cover?

  • I am going to look at ......(The football results)
  • What is your favourite sections in magazines? 
    • I like..........but I prefer ..... ...the most
    • I don't like .............or ........

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