19 sept 2016

Date: today is .../ yesterday was... /tomorrow will be....
Temperature ..
How do you spell...? 
Draw on the air with your finger....

REVIEW:    date (tody is .. yesterday was ...and tomorrow will be....) and weather actions verbs (+dive)days of week, month and seasons, When two vowels go waking... the first one does the talking..  

UNIT 1:  The magic spell (classroom vocabulary)
  1. VOCABULARY: Subjects - months, school objects, classroom actions, classroom language I, Classroom objects with sentences,  rooms at school, numbers fron 1 to 100
    • What day is it?
    • What have you got on Monday? - I've got P.E.
    • When do we have English lessons?
    • How many English lessons do we have in a week?
    • What time do we have English lessons?
    • Where is the Playground? - Downstair

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