5 abr 2016


1 Qué es..?    What is it? - It's a ...bird
2 Qué son..?  What are they? - They are some....birds
3 Cuantos son..? How many are they? - Thirteen
4 Con quién vives...? Who do you live with? - I live with my mum, dad, brother, sister, uncle, stepmum.
5 De donde..? Where are you from? - I'm from...Spain. COUNTRIES
6 A qué hora..? What time do you go to school? at 9:00 o'clock
7 Qué hace por la mañana---? What do you do when you get up in the morming?
8 A qué distancia...? How far...?
9 Cuanto tiempo tardas en...? How long does it takes you going to school? 10 minutes
10 - Qué significa  - the last? - What does `the last´ mean? It means..el último 
11 - Cuantos son los días de la semana?
  • How many days are in a week ? - In a week there are 7. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the last one that is Sunday

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