4 may 2016


FOOD: brocoli, ice-cream, pizza, pop-corn, tomates...STRUCTURES:

I can see a rainbow,
I can hear the birds
I can feel the sun
I can see the butterflies
I can hear the bee
I can feel the wind
Good bye Winter, Hello Spring
A new star for everything!
Spring is here

I have a runny nose
I have itchy eyes
I have a hay fever
Spring is here
Good bye Winter
Hello Spring

A new star for everything!
Good bye- snow, hello sun
let's go outside and have some fun!

MAY POEM BY canteach
 May's a month of happy sounds,
The hum of buzzing bees,
The chirp of little baby birds
And the song of a gentle breeze.

The grass is green.
Flower blossoms I have seen.
The days are warm.
By evening it cools.
It's time to find the garden tools.





Let's make flowers with shapes!


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